
Grey Oasis

SmokeDex Community Mix بواسطة Maty

تفاصيل المزيج


Packed into Smokelab V2. Layered. First of, start with L’Oasis, because it’s light tobacco, fluff it in the middle. Then we continue with Supernova, because it’s DS, you have to cut it, fluff around the edges, making a layer around the L’Oasis. Then B Monster, same here, cut it and fluff it, just create a horizontal layer. Finish it with Gyawa Rebel, cut, fluff. It’s V2, so you really have to play with the heat, start off with four coals, once it’s ready, make a piramid out of three coals and change between two coals and three coals into piramid throughout the session, depending on the situation.


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